7/17/2024-FBA to BIP

7/17/2024-FBA to BIP

Upcoming Dates

  • 17
    7/17/2024-FBA to BIP
    8:30 am
    11:30 am

Target Audience: Special education teachers, behavior interventionists,  general education teachers

Are you looking to integrate your functional behavior assessment data more seamlessly into a comprehensive behavior intervention plan? In the upcoming FBA to BIP training, participants will explore the core of student behavior through the lens of Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) and how to integrate that data into a behavior intervention plan (BIP). Designed for educators with foundational to intermediate levels of expertise, this training session aims to cover essential concepts suitable for varying skill levels. This will be a three hour training offered online via Zoom.

Contact maggie.hartlage@ckec.org with any questions.
