7/18/2024-Supporting Exceptional Learners in Mathematics Through Intentional Specially Designed Instruction and Progress Monitoring

7/18/2024-Supporting Exceptional Learners in Mathematics Through Intentional Specially Designed Instruction and Progress Monitoring

Upcoming Dates

  • 18
    7/18/2024-Supporting Exceptional Learners in Mathematics Through Intentional Specially Designed Instruction and Progress Monitoring
    8:30 am
    3:30 pm

Target Audience: general education, special education

This six hour face-to-face training will highlight research and evidence-based practices to support student learning in the mathematics classroom. A focus will be on supporting students with disabilities through the intentional planning of specially designed instruction (SDI) and progress monitoring. Teachers will be able to identify a student’s skill deficits and determine which SDI to implement to support learning and close academic gaps. Effective progress monitoring strategies will be highlighted to allow teachers to determine the effectiveness of the SDI. For questions, contact jane.goatley@ckec.org 


2331 Fortune Dr., Lexington, Kentucky, 40509, United States