6/5/2024-Resilience Based IEPs: Building Strengths-Based Individualized Education Programming

ilience Based IEPs: Building Strengths-Based Individualized Education Programming

Upcoming Dates

  • 05
    Resilience Based IEPs: Building Strengths-Based Individualized Education Programming
    9:00 am
    11:00 am

Target Audience: Special education teachers, ARC chairpersons, school psychologists

Supporting students affected by both adverse experiences and a disability can be overwhelming.  This session will provide an overview of how adverse experiences can affect students in our classroom.  Participants will learn about tools and strategies for crafting IEPs that celebrate resilience, promote growth, and pave the way for meaningful progress in academic, social, and emotional domains that can be implemented immediately. The link to this virtual session will be sent out no later than the end of the day on June 4, 2024. Contact christina.krantz@ckec.org with any questions.
